Etude House - I Need You Alphabet Mask Sheet


1. Melembabkan (Moisturizing)

moisturizing mask sheet

* E-Elder Flower (Soothing & Moisturizing)
contains elder flower extract (Sambucus Nigra Flower extract) known to be used in Europe's folk remedies, soothing and moisturizing irritated skin from the environment of stress, delivering comfortable and smooth skin

* G-Green Tea (Moisture & Relief)
contains Catechin-packed green tea extract (Camellia Sinensis Leaf extract) providing moist and comforting relief to sooth out and irritated skin

* H-Hyaluronic Acid (Richly Moisturizing)
contains Hyaluronic Acid (Sodium Hyaluronate) with excellent water storage capabilities, providing rich moisture to keep skin perfectly moist everyday

* O-Olive (Deep Moisture)
contains olive extract (Olea Europaea Olive Leaf extract) fully moisturizing   dry and rough skin

* S-Shea Butter (Richly Nourishing)
contains natural Shea Butter (Butyrospermum Parkii)with rich moisture and   nutrition, providing radiant and healthy looking skin

* Y-Yogurt Strawberry (Soft & Moist)
contains strawberry yogurt (Yogurt extract, Fragaria Chiloensis, Strawberry   fruit extract) that transform rough skin to become soft and moist

* Z-Zucchini (Nourishing & Moisturizing)
contains zucchini pumpkin extract (Cucurbita Pepo Pumpkin fruit extract)       nourishing and moisturizing skin with its rich nutrition and moisture-             retaining properties

* R-Royal Jelly (Smooth Hydration)
* @-Snail Mucus

Buat yang punya jenis kulit kering cocok pake masker diatas.

2. Menutrisi dan Menghidupkan Kembali (Nourishing & Revitalizing)

nourishing & revitalizing mask sheet

* D-Dandelion (Revitalizing)
contains dandelion extract (Taraxacum Officinale extract), the flower thay     symbolyze life, energizing and revitalizing delicate skin with its touch

* I-Immortellle (Energizing & Nourishing)
contains Immortelle (Helichrysum Arenarium extract), the "immortal flower" that symbolize full vitality and rich nutrition, revitalizing and nourishing          exhausted skin

* J-Job's Tears (Revitalizing & Smoothing)
contains Job's Tears extract (Coix Lacryma-Jobi Ma-Yuen seed extract that     contains rich nutrition, nourishing skin for a smooth and healthy complexion

* K-Korean Ginseng (Revitalizing & Nourishing)
contains nourishing Korean Ginseng extract (Panax Ginseng Root extract)       enhancing a youthful complexion by revitalizing exhausted and lifeless skin

Jenis masker diatas cocok untuk semua jenis kulit terutama kulit yang kusam, sering terpapar sinar matahari dan kulit yang sangat kering.

3. Mencerahkan (Brightening)

brightening mask sheet

* B-Bulgarian Rose (Brightening)
contains rose extract  (Rose extract) directly from Bulgaria, "the land of       roses", blooming dull and lifeless skinto become bright and full of life like a   flower blossom

* F-Fig (Purifying)
contains antioxidant fig extract (Ficus Carica fruit extract), brightening up       dull and exhausted skin to become clear and soft

* L-Lemon (Tone Clarifying)
contains Vitamin-C packed lemon extract (Citrus Limon fruit extract)             purifying dull and exhausted skin to become clear and transparent

* N-Noni (Revitalizing)
contains noni fruit extract (Morinda Citrifolia extract) that provides vitality     to dull and lifeless skin for a bright, healthy looking complexion

* V-Vitamin Complex (Radiating Skin)
contains fruit based Vitamin Complex (Citrus Limon, Prunus Persica/Peach,     Pyrus Malus/Apple, Citrus Aurantium Dulcis/Orange, that purifies and             brightens up dull skin for a healthy natural glow

* W-White Pearl (Bright Complexion)
contains pearl extract (Pearl extract) full of amino acids and minerals,           brightening up dull skin for a bright and clear complexion

Sudah jelas ya fungsi masker diatas untuk mencerahkan kulit.

4. Mengencangkan & Mencegah Kerutan (Firming)

firming  mask sheet

* C-Collagen (Firming)
contains collagen (Hydrolyzed collagen) that strenghthens the skin's natural   barrier for firm, youthful skin

* M-Mango (Nourishing & Firming)
contains mango extract (Mangifera Indica fruit extract) known for its variety of vitamins and fiber, helping to provide firm and healthy skin with its sweet   and gentle touch

*P-Pomegranate (Smooth Elasticity)
contains pomegranate extract (Punica granatum fruit extract) full of               estrogen and various minerals, providing smoothing and firming care to dull   and lifeless skin

* U-Unpolished Rice (Firming & Nourishing)
contains nutrition packed Unpolished Rice extract (Oryza Sativa extract)         delivering a clean, healthy complexion with its rich nutrition on the skin

* Q-Q10 (Tightening & Firming)
contains Coenzyme Q10 (Ubiqunone) that helps protect skin's natural             elasticity to enhance a firm complexion with a healthy glow

Cocok dipakai untuk usia diatas 25, bahkan diawal 20 tidak masalah, lebih baik mencegah daripada terlambat bukan?

5. Special Advantage

* A-Aloe (Soothing Relief)
contains aloe extract (Aloe Barbadensis leaf extract) known for its multi       function of quenching thirsty skin, soothing irritated areas and instantly         cooling heated skin

* Heart (5 Berry Complex)
contains 5 kinds of sweet berry extract (Blueberry, Acai Berry, Raspberry,       Blackberry, Strawberry) full of antioxidants and vitamins for a lovely               complexion

* Xylitol Forest (Clean Moisture)
contains Xylitol (Xylitol extract) extracted from a birch tree, known as the       "Queen of the forest", helping to keep skin clean, cool and moist with its       application

* T-Tea Tree (Trouble Care)
dikhususkan untuk kulit berjerawat

Kenapa no.5 ini saya beri judul Special Advantage, karena manfaatnya yang lebih spesifik dan khusus untuk kondisi kulit tertentu.

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